Welcome to the Art of Giving
Founder and President

Lurdes de Sousa
My Story
Portuguese by citizenship and French born and educated, I moved to Macau in 2006.
Before making Macau my home, I served in international and government agencies in Africa, Asia and the Middle East in the field of development aid, Global South poverty reduction, conflict resolution and democratization for over ten years. I have a consolidated experience in diplomatic affairs.
In the academic field, I was an invited scholar at the University of Saint Joseph (Macau) on development issues and international funding.
As a Philanthropist, I am active in local charities and have been engaged in different local community services for the Macau International Ladies Club, the France-Macau Chamber of Commerce amongst others. I was appointed Vice-President of Zonta Club of Macau, a local branch of an international organization supporting women empowerment through service and advocacy.
Founder of the project "This is my Street", a fundraising project for social causes.
My column "Art of Giving - Modern Philanthropy" in the Macau Daily Times is a regular contribution and reflection on the challenges and the many ways to Give today.
Aside my passion for Giving, I am an art lover of Modern Art, Fine Art Photography and an absolute admirer of the old masters.